when I encountered building 201 from the steelwalk I'd take to work, some property of it that resisted description stuck out to me right at that particular moment. It had not had this effect on me before. I felt disgusted, not a disgust of disease (though it felt identical), an effect without a cause.
The architectural department had heard several similar comments about building 201 and after I had also reported it the building and others residing near it were renovated to not have that effect.
During my break I thought about how it could have made me feel this way and I think it might have had to do with the proportions of the building in tandem with the other ones. The proportional different didn't seem to have any utility and was transparently confirmed to have been an accident, I also think in the moment the way the sun would strike the side of the building resembled a common ratio my department delt with, which was also the only department the complaints came from.
20:1 is also a common ratio of how food and drink would be distributed in canteens, this is a coincidence and It doesn't arouse interest in me